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6 - Meteoroid

This keeps failing on Alteryx 2021.2 x64. :(



5 - Atom

Experiencing the same issue on Designer x64  version 2021.3.5.03604

5 - Atom

I experienced the same issue with version 2022.1.1.25127. 

Would love to know if there is an open discussion on this issue & the solution.

5 - Atom

The current version(2.2.0) of the tool is not working well with Event based trigger in ADF.

The tool creates a trigger upon file ceation (0 bytes) instead of waiting till the file is written completely on to ADLS. 

After analyzing the logs with Microsoft support, we came to know that the tool is not setting the parameter 'close' to 'true' and hence not sending the signal to event grid for the file write completion. - Path - Update - REST API (Azure Storage Services) | Microsoft Docs

Request you to please fix this issue in the next version of the tool. We spoke to Alteryx support but did not get any timeline regarding the fix.

5 - Atom

Any updates on this?

5 - Atom

Any update?


Hi all,


I've installed Azure Data Lake Tools for the first time today and I have this issue where the tool is blank and doesn't let me configure it.


I posted a thread discussing the issue here, just in case someone can help or has the same issue: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Discussions/Azure-Data-Lake-Input-Tool-is-blank/m-...



5 - Atom


Whenever I try installing this tool, I get the following error. Can anyone help. Thanks!




5 - Atom

Hi All and @rajparulekar1,


I had the same problem here at my company. We analyzed that the server we were trying to install this package there was no connectivity to the internet. Solution: The Server must have Internet output to download the python background packages. Thank you

5 - Atom

Hello! I am having some issues with this. Even when I put in the information and select a file to connect to, I get the error that it is "missing incoming connection". Any help would be much appreciated! 




9 - Comet

Hi everyone,

I can confirm that the ADLS connector ver. 2.3.0 works for us on the Designer (ver. 2022.1.1.30961 - which I believe is the latest as at OCT 2022);

There 's some fiddling needed in the Azure storage side to enable the Gen2 connectivity from our corporate network (Container, storage account, networking etc). We had to work directly with our Microsoft account person to get the configuration done. 

11 - Bolide

Can I use wildcard to search for files? 

or enable subdirectories?





7 - Meteor

Is there documentation on ADLS xml configuration?


I want to limit the number of rows to download from my resource, but I couldn't find this option anywhere.
Perhaps by adding an xml line in configuration could help?

5 - Atom

Thank you for sharing

5 - Atom

Does anyone have issues with this tool with Alteryx 2022.3.1.430 version?


I am unable to push data to Azure, although it seams I am connected and I can navigate to different path.

but receiving this cryptic message: Error: Azure Data Lake File Output (1): Error in existing file operations.- Failed to connect to platform


Connected to Gen 2 with S2S authentication.

11 - Bolide

Anyone knows how to use filename from stream as FilePath on Azure Data Lake File Output ?




5 - Atom

@Hamder83 - I am having same issue.  Can someone help on how to get dynamic file naming for bulk insert activity?

5 - Atom

Greetings Community,


I am interested in making modifications to the tool by implementing dynamic or parametrized file naming instead of a static file name. I was wondering if there is a way to contribute to the development of the tool. Is there a Git repository available for this purpose?


Thank you.


Best regards,




Hello @soufiane , there is not exactly Git for it and since the tool is currently supported by Alteryx, it needs to be modified by Alteryx as well. Although it's an interesting idea - making the repo public and let our users to enhance them. :) 

Nevertheless, the tool is written in python, so all the source code comes with the tool and thus you should be able to modify the tool by yourself. Although that experience is probably far from the one you'd get with direct git access.  


Hi @jacekDziuba , that feature is unfortunately not available right now. 


Hi @Hamder83, these features are not currently supported but we already plan to implement them into the next major release. 


Hi @akhodjaev , "failed to connector to platform" is a generic error when the tool is not able to reach the ADLS API. The most common reason is usually a proxy server being present and the tool not being able to get through it. I would suggest to reach out to Alteryx Customer Support and they might be able to help to resolve the problem. 

6 - Meteoroid

Anyone else getting a poorly explained error with v2.4.2 when trying to import any CSV file?

Error: Azure Data Lake File Input (1): BadResponseError('Bad request syntax or unsupported method.') has type BadResponseError, but expected one of: bytes, unicode

Running into this on 2023.1.1.247 Patch: 2


Happening with every CSV file in the container, and with any major encoding & quote character setting in the Options tab.



7 - Meteor

I'm getting this error- anyone figure this out?  It runs on my local machine fine, but when I deploy to server, I receive this error when running it.  


Error: Azure Data Lake File Input (138): ConnectionError('Failed to connect to platform') has type ConnectionError, but expected one of: bytes, unicode