Brisbane, Australia

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INVITING TIPS & TRICKS for AU User Group Meeting - Q3

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Can’t believe we already into Q3 of this year which also means that it’s time for another virtual Australia wide user group meeting! A big shoutout to all of those Alteryx enthusiasts who made to the last one in April .We are already busy planning the next meeting in towards the end of September and have some interesting agenda lined up and guess what, you can also be a part of it and get featured in the next user group meeting as we are inviting you to share your Alteryx tips and tricks.


What we are looking for is your "What! Alteryx could do this!!" moment .This could be anything from a feature on a particular tool or some settings or a functionality which was your “eureka” moment that turned to be a life saver for you .


To take part , all you need to do is ,


• Email your best Alteryx tip/trick to us at  OR PM me with the subject line "My Alteryx Moment" with a summary of your tip
• Your full name and Alteryx community username
• A screenshot /deck/word document / or even a workflow demonstrating the tip – would be great to have


Once we have a bunch of entries , we (the AU user group leaders ) will go through each one and select the best entries to be featured the next meeting and let the audience pick the best one . Chances are that the winner one will walk away with some exciting goodies from Alteryx .


So good luck and start sharing your Alteryx moments with us ! In the meanwhile if you have any questions , feel free to reach out to us.


@Nezrin  @LaurenU @sambitd ,@mat_budden 

Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | SparkED Contributor and Mentor