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Hello Atlanta Alteryx community members. Does anyone still come in here? I'm looking forward to meeting some of the local Alteryx users.
Still_Learning_GA (SLG)
We are still here! We are based in Kennesaw and are big users/supporters of Alteryx.
Kent Fidler
Orasi Software, Inc.
Hi there!
Relatively new Alteryx community user in the Atlanta area, and would also like to meet other local Alteryx users!
We are Wellstar Health System based in Marietta, GA, and we have a few analysts who use Alteryx - I am hopeful we will add more !
I love the product, use it every day, and for me it is a game-changer !
Hi Kiri,
I'm very familiar with Wellstar as I grew up in Marietta. In fact my mother was an RN for many years back when it used to be Kennestone Hospital.
How many Alteryx users to do you have currently?
@charlescolemansm works on our team and began using Alteryx in Assortment Planning while at The Home Depot. He as spent the better part of the past year and half working in the healthcare space. We would love to see how you are using Alteryx to improve the supply chain at Wellstar Health Systems.
Kent Fidler
Orasi Software, Inc.
We are still here. The group has been a bit dormant as of late.
We are an Atlanta based IT professional services company focused on Analytics. We work with both private and public entities.
If any Virtual meetings happen we'll be on board.
Glad to see others in the Atlanta Metro area. I am new here and interested in meeting local to learn how you are using Alteryx. For example, how long has Alteryx been used at your company? What type of workflows have been enhanced or improved by the use of Alteryx? Do you have any workflows which can be shared with other members of the group to prevent "re-inventing the wheel"? This will helpful as I start my journey with Alteryx. I look forward to being an active contributor to the community.