Atlanta, GA

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Job Opportunity For Alteryx Developer in Atlanta, GA area

5 - Atom
  • Alteryx Developer is responsible for the actual coding or programming of Alteryx applications.
  • This role is like that of a Software Developer.
  • An Alteryx Developer has many responsibilities and are dependent on the specific domain/sector.
  • The following are the tasks a Alteryx Developer is responsible for: Alteryx desktop development and implementation. Involves Data preparation, data blending, and analytics – predictive, statistical, and spatial. Loading from disparate data sets. Connect to and cleanse data from data warehouses. Designing, building, installing, configuring and supporting Alteryx .
  • Perform analysis of vast data and uncover insights. Maintain security and data privacy. Create scalable and high-performance project for data analysis/tracking. Being a part of a POC effort to help build new Alteryx projects.

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Neha B