Atlanta, GA

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Atlanta Users -Help Us Plan the 3rd Quarter Meeting!

Inactive User
Not applicable

Atlanta Users,


We are excited to begin the planning stages for our 3rd quarter meeting!  Please help us identify what you all as users are hoping to see next and/or if you are interesting in presenting or hosting the next event!


Looking forward to seeing you later next month.


Best Regards,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @DJsykes08, thank you so much for arranging all of this for us! 


I'll set up a call with @Inactive User and Tyler Willing to go over the small logistics.



6 - Meteoroid

How much time will I be alloted for my presentation?  Usually I plan on presenting for about 45 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.  I assume a projector will be available for my laptop.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@mhafitz 55 minutes total works out perfectly! I will also invite you to the call to go over any small details. :)