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Every Alteryx Strategic Analytics edition comes with access to the Alteryx Analytics Gallery, enabling you to build and deploy innovative analytic applications in the cloud, without waiting for IT. But as a Data Artisan, you naturally want to ensure that your analytic innovation is protected. Let’s work our way up from infrastructure to analytic applications in the Gallery, to show you how it’s designed for controlled sharing of your strategic analytics.


First, our core mission is to enable data analysts to design and run sophisticated strategic analytics. We recognize that there are others for whom cloud infrastructure is *their* core mission. That’s why we host the Alteryx Analytics Gallery using Amazon Web Services, joining companies such as Netflix, Dropbox, and Zynga who do the same. For more detailed information about Amazon’s layers of security features go here.


Second, the Alteryx Analytics Gallery encrypts and compresses the applications and data stored in Gallery applications. The Alteryx Analytics Gallery is also architected for multi-tenancy with an ACL-based security model that ensures that only you have access to your data and analytics. Even our administrators can’t access your applications or data.


Third, you are in control of your own studio. Analytic applications are published to your own secure studio in the Alteryx Analytics Gallery. Published applications are invisible by default to anyone except you. You can run applications directly from your studio, or to make applications available to others, you share them via collections that you make available to your end-users. For instance you could create a Store Manager Collection and a Senior Executive Collection catering to two separate groups who would not be able to see or access the others’ apps.


Fourth, when you publish an application to the Gallery, end-users cannot access the underlying logic by default. In other words, your application is packaged up just like the applications you use at home. End-users can run it and share results, but they cannot crack it open to get at your IP. So your analytic property is protected even from end-users. Any data you choose to package with the application is also protected.


From infrastructure to permissions to analytic apps, the Alteryx Analytics Gallery has been architected as a safe place to share amazing analytics with key decision makers in your organization and beyond. Get started today with confidence that your data and analytics are always protected!


Dipesh Patel

Director of Product Marketing at Alteryx.