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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Are you interested in predictive analytics, but are not a statistician?


Do you love Alteryx, but feel you cannot take advantage of the predictive tools?


Are you overwhelmed by the number of predictive methodologies, but not sure which approach is applicable to your problem?


Would you like to be able to answer questions such as:


  • Should we replenish the inventory of orange tennis balls with yellow tennis balls in our largest store?
  • How many service representatives should I hire to support a new client?
  • Which customers should receive a particular promotional circular?
  • Should we suspend the provision of credit for a particular customer?
  • How can I predict yearly revenue based on past performance?
  • Do we need to borrow to meet our short-term financial obligations or can we rely on our expected revenue flow?
  • Should we change our store hours of operation?
  • Can we improve how we staff our stores to provide better customer service?
  • Can we increase profits through minor changes in our pricing?
  • How does a price change impact our bottom line?
  • Can we place our stores into manageable groups for merchandising, layout planning and implementation?
  • What seasonal merchandise should be sent to each store, and when?


Alteryx has joined forces with Udacity to develop a curriculum focused on the business user who is interested in leveraging predictive analytics to answer business questions, but does not have the time or resources to take a statistics-heavy degree program. The Nanodegree consists of seven courses focused on selecting the right methodology, data preparation, and data visualization as well as four courses that will equip you to use predictive analytics to answer your business problems.



Check out our registration page at: to get started.
