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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

As an avid analytics professional with 12 plus years of experience, I was very excited to get my hands on the Alteryx platform and learn the software which promises “intuitive workflow for data blending and advanced analytics”. If you’re an analyst, chances are that like me, you import data from various internal and external systems, then perform your analysis in a tool such as Excel. While this process allows for quick analysis (sometimes), the thought process/transfer of knowledge is lost when complex formulas are utilized to blend and analyze the data.


With Alteryx, these setbacks are virtually non-existent. I’ve only been using Alteryx for a short time, but I can already see that it delivers on its promise to make data blending easier, more intuitive, and really takes analytics to the next level.


Competitive advantages of Alteryx

  • Seamless data importing – Alteryx allows you to import or connect to various data sources and analyze that data inside the tool. This allows you to concentrate on the analysis you are performing and not on the management of multiple spreadsheets or documents.
  • Clear workflow – Trying to show others the thought process behind your analysis, especially those who are not data savvy, can be extremely difficult. With Alteryx, your process is clearly mapped with an easy-to-comprehend workflow summary, making the sharing of analysis transparent and relatable.
  • Data enrichment- More times than not, an organization is geared towards understanding internal data, this only provides you with a partial view. With Alteryx you are not only able to quickly and easily analyze internal data sets, but also enrich it with external data sources such as Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, U.S. Census and social media. When you fully understand the market dynamics around your product/service you can make more informed business decisions.


I’ll keep sharing my experiences as I learn more about the advantages of the product, but if you haven’t tried it yet – you should. You can see a demo or try it here. Let me know what you think or what questions you have.