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Use output file of one workflow from another workflow in Gallery without using chained app

8 - Asteroid


We have 2 dependent Alteryx App's, published in Gallery (i.e. first app output is the input to second app). We have published these app's as 2 different apps in the Gallery instead of creating the chained app. Because, we need to trigger these app's from our web application as well by using Gallery API's. As Gallery API's will not support Chained app's so we have published these 2 app's as separate apps.

To work these 2 app's as chained apps in the Gallery, we are triggering the second workflow from first workflow using the Gallery API. I.e. after first workflow generated the output file, then we will call the second workflow from the first workflow itself by using gallery API. 

Here my issue is, how can I pass the output file path of first workflow to the second workflow. I am trying to use, Engine.TempfilePath, but it is not working. 

Is there a way that, one workflow of the Gallery can access the out put file of another workflow of the Gallery, where these 2 workflows are not chained workflows? One option can be UNC path, but when multiple users are running the same workflow then the output file name will be same for all users and will be overwritten by each other, then it will cause an issue. So, can we access the output file saved to temp folder of first workflow with process id from the second workflow?


Your thoughts will be appropriated. 


Thank you


8 - Asteroid

Hi David,

Thank you for your inputs. It is difficult to ask client to input the text, because we can't rely on the client input text to decide the client information. Is there a way to identify from which collection the user user is running the workflow?