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Alteryx Server Gallery Data Connection Limits

7 - Meteor

Hello Alteryx Server Community, 


We ran into an interesting scenario with data connections in our server this past month we wanted to share and get feedback on. We are currently running 2018.1.6 and were not able to add new data connections. Admins could login, create new data connections in the gallery without encountering any error messages but they were not in the list of data connections. 


We took a closer look at our list of data connections and discovered we had exactly 100 connections. When we deleted a connection and we refreshed the page we were able to see a connection we had 'tried' to create as if it was pending being added to our list. 


Does anyone know if this is normal behavior to only allow 100 data connections in the gallery and have new ones pending before they have space available? Also is the limit on the number of data connections in future releases of the Alteryx Server? 


Thank you, 
