Workflow priority updated using API
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We are running a workflow which is being trigged using python request method through gallery API using default low priority. We are planning to increase the priority to 2. So, we are sending priority parameter as '2' using Json.
After successful execution, we used gallery url to get the all the job run for my app id. As seen in the response body in the screenshot below, the priority in the response says 2
But to confirm the priority settings, we had also set up an event to get the output log using below options.
After running the event, the output log still says "Running at low priority" even though the response says priority as 2.
Can you please suggest why the logs says low priority even though response says priority as 2.
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It looks like you are using numbers to pass priority instead of the required string value. Try using one of these values: 'Low' or 'Medium' or 'High' or 'Critical' or 'Default'. Details outlined in the API documentation here.