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Using Mongo DB Backup

9 - Comet

My organization is setting up a UAT server so we can test for our upcoming upgrade from 21.2 to 21.3. I've run emongodump on our production gallery and moved it to our UAT environment. When I navigate to my emongodump folder in step 3 I get the "Settings Validation Error" posted below. Has anyone experienced this before? Should I select my mongodb_bkp_20220505 folder or do I need to browse to one of the sub folders?


MongoDB Backups | Alteryx Help

Use a MongoDB Backup

  1. Open System Settings.
  2. Go to Controller > Persistence.
  3. In the Data Folder field, browse to the folder for the backup.
  4. Select Next to continue through the System Settings windows and restart the service. When the service starts it will run off the restored folder.





mongodb_bkp_20220505 is the backup from emongodumo




7 - Meteor

@fmvizcaino thanks again for your help! Unfortunately, I hit another snag with the mongo restore but figured it warranted a separate post if you have a couple spare minutes and wouldn't mind taking a peek Emongorestore function not working/responding when... - Alteryx Community