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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Running Python through Run Command on Alteryx Server

5 - Atom

I have an Alteryx script which includes standard alteryx tools as well as a python script which is executed using the run command tool. When I run the script on my desktop it works as expected. When I load the workflow to my company's Alteryx server location I get the error "File not found:...\python.exe". My suspicion is that because my company's server does not have python installed, it cannot run the .py script. Is there any way that I could reference the python environment on my desktop to run on the server ? 

15 - Aurora

Hey @dgras102916


I think the short answer is no.


It might be able to reference (and run) python on your desktop but the server will need permissions to do that...i suspect it will be easier to have python installed on the server