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Mongo Error causing Gallery retry attempts

5 - Atom

Hi can anyone advise what is the issue with this Gallery altery log?



There was an error processing queue record <5b3cd8c27183a9355291675f>: Mongo error: ""DBClientBase::findN: transport error: localhost:27018 ns: AlteryxService.$cmd query: { update: ""AS_ResultsFiles.Files"", updates: [ { q: { Owner: ObjectId('5b3cf6c17183a935529167bd') }, u: { $set: { Owner: ObjectId('5b3cf73f7183a93552916a7f') } }, multi: true, upsert: false } ], ordered: true, writeConcern: {} }"" code: <10276>>"



Any advise would be greatfully recieved

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Dunnp1 To fully understand what is happening I would need to see the full Gallery log around this error. However, the error is similar to errors seen with a known issue effecting 2018.x. If this is the same issue it is corrected in the latest release 2018.2.5.48994 which is available for download now. If you are on an older 2018.x version please upgrade to the latest version. If you are on 11.8 or earlier please provide your exact version and your Gallery log for review.