Hi Alteryx community,
I have an App on Gallery which outputs a .yxdb file to a location specified by the user.
(Server version : 2021.3)
Most of the time it works, but sometimes the user gets the error below.
The job Extract_DIP_by_TopicID did not complete successfully and resulted in the following errors:
•Error creating the file " N:\ALTERYX\Service\Staging\~~~\Test.yxdb|||Table1 ":
ファイル名、ディレクトリ名、またはボリューム ラベルの構文が間違っています。 (123) (Tool Id: 22)
•Workflow was Cancelled by Properties Setting (Tool Id: 22)
The message in Japanese is translated as below.
Incorrect Syntax of File Name, Directory Name or Volume Label
I guess it is due to the part of "|||Table1", which is used for .XLSX file type, but not used for .YXDB file type.
Could you advice
why the file path is set as such, and
what could be the trigger of this error?
Configuration of File Browse tool connected to Output Data Tool
Configuration of Action Tool from File Browse Tool
Thank you!
Curious if you resolved this. If not, what is the configuration of the output tool?