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Browse tool on the alteryx gallery doesn't work

8 - Asteroid

Dear Colleagues,

I created chain app to send emails. Part of this app is to preview how many people is going o receive the email by grade and it works with the summary + browse tool in Alteryx designer, but when I moved it on Alteryx gallery I can't preview it.


Do you know which other tool I should use to preview some information in Alteryx gallery before I continue with sending emails? 


Also I have an output excel file and in the alteryx designer there was a question if I want to open this file , and this question do not appear on alteryx gallery as well. 


Thank you!


15 - Aurora

Hey @joannasokolowska 


The easiest way I have found to do this is to include an output in yxdb format (no need to sepcify a file path just the filename and .yxdb) this will then render as view in the galley


I concur with @LordNeilLord  - outputing to a yxdb will allow users to preview the data on gallery

8 - Asteroid


I checked it and somehow It doesn't work for me ;( 

I attached my workflow below (It is chained app) so maybe you will notice sth wrong? or maybe something should be change in the alteryx gallery settings? 


Thank you in advance,



because you did a chained app, the last chained app (in your case the 2nd) is what will display the yxdb output on gallery/Server. The second app needs to have an output (it could be test2.yxdb and the same as your first output in app 1)


Then in APP1: uncheck "On success - show results to User....Output Data()" for your first app in the Interface Designer. that will be ignored anyway on gallery/Server.

Go to your 2nd app, Interface Designer and check "On success - show results to User....Output Data(x)" - by default the outputs will all be showed in gallery anyway.

When run on server the output file will be showed through the 2nd app run (last app).





8 - Asteroid


Thanks for the instructions! I already tested but it works not in the way I expected 🙂 

In my initial workflow I could preview how many people (on which grades) are going to receive the email and If I notice sth wrong I could stop it there and do not tick the box - "Continue sending emails"


In other words I would like to preview the data after I select the group ( To which group should emails be sent?) and before the final check ("Continue sending emails?)". In your solution I can check it after I send email.


Is there a way to include such check as described above?






8 - Asteroid

Hi all,

Any ideas regarding my project ?:) 





Hello Asia, 


My suggestion is to dump the chained app idea altogether and use interface options (radio buttons) that will allow that workflow to be configured to run in two ways. 


Button/Option 1. Assess how many messages. This will use whatever logic you've already configured along with some kind of smart text to display the counts, but will not send the messages.

Button/Option 2. The full process including the email tool. Use this if the counts seem appropriate. 


I hope this helps. 



Justin Babbitt
8 - Asteroid

Thanks Justin!. This solution is really nice 🙂 

10 - Fireball

@Loic  Will the preview only been shown on the last page of an app? Ie I cant show a preview on the 2nd or 3rd page of chained app?