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App file browse problem in Alteryx server

12 - Quasar

I have a workflow that I have turned into an APP. The main thing the APP allow the users to do is specify a filename and path to save the output file. This works fine on Alteryx developer. However when I save the app to the Alteryx Server it does not allow the user to browse to the folder they want to save the file to, it only allow them to specify a filename, sheet name and file type.


Is there something I've missed?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

No, you haven't missed anything.


When it's loaded into the server the file is then available to download through the web browser they are using, which is why the folder isn't specified, just the file name.

12 - Quasar

The problem I have is that my workflow is writing to 2 sheets in the same excel workbook. The app allows me to display the outputs for the 2 sheets ok on server via browse tools, but then the user has to download them separately into 2 files. Then copy one sheet into the workbook with the other sheet to get what they need.


Is there a way round that issue using an app on the server?


I got the app to work in the developer fine.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Ah sorry, I got you. So the File Browse is asking for the sheet name and you don't want that.


What I have done is created an App where I have used a text box for the user to type the name of the workbook, but only update that part.


So the rest of it is predefined by what is in the app itself.


I have uploaded it, but need to do it as a yxmd, please rename to yxwz for it to run as an app.

12 - Quasar

I want the user to be able to browse the full path not just the filename. I want them to be able to save it to their desktop if they want. I have it working in developer as an app as below.

It uses the File browse to get the full path from the user including a sheet name. This can be anywhere they can browse to on their laptop. Then I replace the sheet name in that input with the two I want to use to create the two paths to the 2 sheets in the same workbook. I am struggling to see how to use a file browse like this in the same App on the server.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @wwatson 


Due to the way in which Alteryx Server works, it's not possible for the user to enter the path on their PC.


When an app is run, it's running on the server, not their local machine, it then needs to present the outputs back to the user. The way in which this is done is through the browser the user is using. 

They then have the option to download the file, which depending on your browser settings, either automatically goes to a folder, or can present the user with the save as dialogue.

12 - Quasar

Thanks Joe, I think you've confirmed what I have observed on server. 

I might submit an Idea on this to see if there's something that could be built out.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you! This was helpful!

7 - Meteor

I'm having a similar issue - In the output file I have tables summarizing Alteryx output data and now there seems to be no way to designate that that file to be the output file.

11 - Bolide

I just managed a work-around on a file brows tool problem that may help in your case.


I used the file browse tool, but connected it to a text input tool instead of an input tool, then passed the file selected to a dynamic input tool.




Mine had an extra wrinkle that I was reading yxmd workflow file types to parse the xml and input tool didn't like that file type. Using dynamic input let me provide a pattern file for that.


When I run in the gallery, I select the file using the unc share path (\\server\folder...\file.etc). After selected, only the file.etc appears in the questions's text box, but it passes the full file path and name to my app. 


You might use this to get your output path then put a '|||Sheet1' at the end.