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Alteryx Server running GA4

8 - Asteroid

Has anyone successfully connected Alteryx Server to GA4?


When I try to run the GA4 tool locally (running from my Server instance of Designer), I get the following error on the tool:


{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Bad Request"}


Running it:

Error: Google Analytics 4 Input (1): Issue in Authentication
Error: Google Analytics 4 Input (1): Issue in Getting Report Data
Error: Google Analytics 4 Input (1): <class 'AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'


My team member can run it locally and it runs fine:

Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Running at a Low Priority.
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Allocating requested memory would be more than available physical memory. Reverting to 944.7 MB of memory.
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: This is AMP Engine; running 4 worker threads; memory limit 944.7 MB.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (16): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool started.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (20): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool started.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (12): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool started.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (18): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool started.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (18): Plugin class successfully loaded.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (20): Plugin class successfully loaded.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (12): Plugin class successfully loaded.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (16): Plugin class successfully loaded.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (18): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool done.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (20): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool done.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (12): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool done.
Info: Google Analytics 4 Input (16): GoogleAnalytics4Input tool done.