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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Alteryx Server installation

7 - Meteor

Hi All, I wanted to install and configure alteryx server by an un attended installation method using a PowerShell script. Could someone really help me on this, I can write the PowerShell script. I am new to this tool and not sure how to approach this. I really appreciate any input/suggestions. Thanks, Ratheesh

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@ratheesh detailed information on command line installations is available in our Alteryx Command Line Install Guide. This document covers what command line options are available, and the proper syntax. It also includes a number of examples. The 'Installing Alteryx' section applies to both Designer and Server. As such you should be able to user this infomation to create a PowerShell or Batch script to deploy Alteryx Server.

7 - Meteor


Thank you so much for your response. This doc is really helpful to install Altryx using command line. I am looking something similar for configuration as well. I am trying to automate the configuration part as well.

Example if in case I am configuring All components in one server, then the script should install and configure Alteryx server for me.


Appreciate your response.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@ratheesh Most of the configuration for Alteryx Server is done using a GUI application commonly referred to as Alteryx System Setting. Unfortunately, this tool doesn't have a CLI equivalent. As such there isn't a document covering configuration from the command line. You best option to work around this is to take the configuration file from a server that has already been setup and use it as a template for the server you are installing via the command line. You could then modify the config file as part of your script and drop it in place before starting the service for the first time. This file is the RuntimeSettings.xml file found at C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\. Please keep in mind that the path for this file is static and won't change even if you configure the server to use a different location for its workspace. 



7 - Meteor



Thanks a lot for the reply. Defiantly I will try this solution.




7 - Meteor



This solution worked for me. Once again thanks a lot!!!!.




7 - Meteor



As you advised we created a script to install and configure Alteryx by copying “RuntimeSettings.xml” from an existing system.  I  believe this will not create the MongoDB instance which is required, Shall I take a dump from a fresh installation and use it in installation script to restore the same, will that work?

Kindly share your thoughts.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@ratheesh If a mongo database doesn't reside at the configured path the service will create a new empty database at startup. As such you shouldn't need to copy an empty database from another installation.

7 - Meteor


Got it now. I really appricate the response!!!

Once agin, Thanks a lot.


