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Alteryx Server 2020.3.4 Schedules

11 - Bolide



Has anyone experienced issues with editing certain fields of existing schedules?  Since upgrading to 2020.3.4, I have not been able to de-select the 'run only during M-F' option and save the change.


Additionally, I haven't been able to save a change for the scheduled run-as user credentials.


I am able to save other changes, such as the scheduled run time, whether the schedule is enabled/disabled, etc.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I understand you've been working with someone internal to Alteryx already on this. Let me touch base with them on this and then I'll reach out to you with any updates.

11 - Bolide

@ianwhite - I see that 2020.4 was released today.  I see no mention of this scheduling bug as a known or fixed issue in the release notes.  Can you confirm whether or not it has been addressed?

11 - Bolide

For those interested, the scheduler in 2020.4 is still plagued by the same bugs as 2020.3.


Very disappointing.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

It looks like it was originally slated to be part of 20.4 but appears to have been pushed out of it. When I had looked internally it appeared to be on track for this release, I apologize for misinforming you. 


We do have a defect for it,DE27546 , however I'm unsure as to when it will be resolved at this time.