Alteryx Server Discussions

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Unable to translate Alias with AMP turned on

8 - Asteroid

When turning on AMP(Server) and the user turns AMP(Designer) on, the user is receiving Unable to translate Alias when saving back to the server. Once AMP is turned off on the user side and then uploads to the server the error resolves and the flow uploads with AMP OFF.  Anyone else receiving this error?

Server AMP ON

Designer AMP ON 

NO Worky

Server AMP ON 

Designer AMP OFF

Chicken DInner


2020.3 on both server and designer


And the connections are gallery connections ODBC DSN normal stuff nothing crazy. Some MySQL Some Tibco(ODBC)


Hello @pitmansm 


First, thank you for trying out AMP Engine. 


This issue was fixed and the fix will be included in the 2020.4 Release which will become available very soon. 



Tonya Smith
Sr. Product Manager, cloud App Builder
8 - Asteroid

NO problem excellent upgrade and adds a lot of value to our flows. Time reduction between clicks for the end user is excellent.