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Alteryx Gallery release - changes to subscriptions


I can see that a future release of Alteryx will affect subscriptions in the Gallery - 


Does this affect the availability of the workflows in the Gallery? ie, will these workflows disappear if we don't migrate them into a collection as per the suggestion?


Can we also use the 'Place in my company's gallery' option, as opposed to Collections, to allow all users access to workflows?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Modifying Alteryx Server for the elimination of Subscriptions is an area of active development.  It is anticipated that users will still have all of their workflows currently stored in their Studio (but that location may not be called Studio).  Sharing and collaborating on workflows will be via Collections though, not a shared Subscription.  The exact mechanism for these changes though has not yet been released. 


You absolutely can use the "Place in my Company's Gallery" option to allow all Server users access to workflows.  

Scott Gurney
Strategic Sales Engineer
Alteryx, Inc.

@ScottG Thanks for the info!


Is there a preliminary date of this release?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The timing of these changes has not been announced.  However, if you are interested in the future vision for Server or other Alteryx products, I highly recommend attending Alteryx Inspire.  The Products teams, including the Chief Product Officer, will be presenting. 

Scott Gurney
Strategic Sales Engineer
Alteryx, Inc.