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V-Lookup Issue

7 - Meteor

I am trying to do the following problem but it's not giving me the right result

I have two tables:- 

Table A (5460 records)

Table B (9670 records)


Both the tables have one common key - i.e. charttype


Now, I want to populate the rate type from Table A in Table B by looking up on the basis of charttype. 

My end result should be - Table B should have 9670 records with additional column TableA_ratetype for all the charttypes that were a match with table A. 


However, when I use join with Table A on the left and table B on the right, and add the 'Join' and 'Right' result to union, I am getting 12907 records. How do I apply the join properly?

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Table B has duplicate records (based upon the join key of charttype).  In using the join, you will need to put a UNIQUE tool in front of the B input.  This will cause only the first record to go through the U anchor.  You should make sure that the records in B are properly sorted if the result charttype is different.


An alternative approach is to use the FIND REPLACE tool.  It will act like the vlookup and find the first record.  You can append the charttype and regardless of a find, it will append the column and assure you that you'll only get the # of A records out as you had coming in.





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7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot!. It solved my problem
