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Startup Error -- An Item with the same key has already been added. (Macro)

11 - Bolide

I have saved a new macro to an existing location on a shared drive.  Now when we open designer all parties are getting an error on startup that states "An Item with the same key has already been added" and it halts the designer startup as the error window opens behind the splash screen (??why??) .    You can get past it if you realize it but I don't know why this happens or how to fix it.  The tool category name is the same as others.   It now also shows up with a black circle with an X in the lower left which isn't part of my custom image.


Any help is much appreciated.


@john_watkins Hey John, its hard to determine from what you have mentioned, but part of me thinks, you may be trying to reference the same macro twice? Perhaps you have a parent folder and a child folder looking at the same macro, so it does load it twice which causes an error. Let me know if this helps at all. S*

Samantha Clifton
11 - Bolide

@Samantha_Jayne , There is only one location where the macro is stored on our shared drive.  I do have a copy on my local folder from a "working" version but it is no longer referenced and no calling workflows seem to throw an error.   It only occurs on startup.    I looked deeper yesterday and found that the GROUP in that folder had two things listed one was "XbA" and one was "XBa" and I'm not sure if the app isn't treating them the same to group the tools but complaining that it looks like two different keys if we are looking at it through case-sensitive glasses.


I deleted my User Setting to point to that location on the share drive and re-entered along with making sure the macro was the same case as the rest and it removed the error for me, but not for my co-worker who tried to repeat my steps.   This isn't the first time we have had this issue, but we never quite figured it out last time either.
