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Spatial Analysis - Error

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


Hope everyone is doing well and getting (or trying to) back to Normal.


My query is regarding Calculating Distance. I have several Points with Lat/Long and Destination Points with Lat/Long. 


When I was trying to calculate Distance and Drive Time using "Distance" Tool, its throwing an error which I attached. 


Can someone help me understand what it means and what can be done?




To be clear attached a sample of how data 


14 - Magnetar

Try setting the data type to double for lat/lon. If you have nulls or empties for lat/lon, try removing them. Try sampling the data, maybe there is a record there that has some value that is not what the tool is expecting.

7 - Meteor

Hi Gabriel,


Thats a sample data. I have no nulls on the actual data. Thanks

14 - Magnetar

I can see that you have a yellow line below the lat/lon field names. That yellow means you have Nulls.

7 - Meteor

Hi Gabriel, Please understand that they are samples. Not the actual data. I just wanted the users to understand how my data input looks like. 

Thanks for your reply. But that's not what I'm looking for as I mentioned before, my actual data does not have NULLS.


Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Are there any errors or warning preceding that error? Perhaps a warning that a point was not created successfully due to latitude/longitude values?

7 - Meteor

Hi Charlie,


There were no errors or warnings preceding. No License issues too. 


Just attached whole workflow running summary. 




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Good to know, thanks for sharing!

Another troubleshooting method I use for "inbound pipe error" is isolation. Sometimes I have found that error to be "something went wrong upstream, but it wasn't caught" so I'll run limited sections of the workflow using tool containers, caching, and new inputs/outputs to check individual processes/tools.


An example of this, try saving the output from the Join tool right before the Distance tool and make sure that works as expected, then take that output file and input it to the Distance tool in a separate workflow to make see if a problem comes to light. 
