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SP Files Inputs does not recognize a .yxdb file as valid

I'm using a SP Files Input tool to try to read in a .yxdb file, but I'm getting the following warning which is causing errors further down the line in my workflow.  "Warning: SharePoint Files Input (34): 'Database.yxdb' is not a valid yxdb file."  Can someone help me please?


Hi @oracleoftemple 


The tool should support yxdb. Can you confirm:

  1. What version of alteryx & the tool you are using
  2. Does the yxdb file work in a normal input tool? That would rule out some file corruption issue.

I'm using 2021.4, and it works fine when I use a normal Input tool.


Got it, I just tried and it works for me, but I'm on 2022.1 (using v2.1.0 of the sharepoint tools). Unfortunately I don't work with this tool too much but maybe someone else has run into this before. 


Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue.


Designer version: 2022.1

SharePoint connector version: tested with 2.1.0 and 2.2.0


A fellow Alteryx user shared that this seemed to be triggered when a column in the file contained Date data type information.  I ran a test, and confirmed that I received the "not a valid yxdb" error when I included a Date column, but not when the same column was included as a V_String.  I know SP can store dates as UTC and there are conversion considerations, but couldn't connect the dots to whether that was a root cause here.


I ran the same test with/without a Date column on both 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 version of the SP tools and received the same result.  I also tried with/without AMP engine for the version 2.1.0 tools and received the same result.


Curious if this is a known issue, or user error on my part. Tagging @VojtechT for visibility.  Thanks!


Hi - I'm having a similar issue with the Box Input tool. 

Designer version 2022.1.1.40869

Box Tools version: 2.4.0

I could not get the Box Input tool to recognize my .yxdb file. I did as @mandycgray suggested, and changed my date field to a v_string and it now will read in the file. 




