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Returning employee ID as File name PDF

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, qq


Ive recently picked up a project from an ex colleague where we separate PDF files by employee ID. Its not something that Im overly familiar with having focused mainly on Excel based flows.


We have a PDF file with employee docs, where the employees ID is in a set position on every doc. We use alteryx to split the file into individual docs. 


The employee number appears as follows on the PDF




We use the following to convert the number into text for the purpose of file renaming - it creates a text called EE ID




At the moment its returning the first four digits and naming the new file accordingly - so the sample file would be "Doc_2132_Month" when the process closes


However I would like the name to be "Doc_144442_Month", basically ignoring the 2132 / 0 (returning the last 6 digits)


As a process it is running and closing out fine, its just I cant get the name to target the 144442 part


Can you advise on a solution?



8 - Asteroid

Thank you again - I was very much overcomplicating this :)


Worked perfectly
