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Questions on Alteryx app not updating drop down list/list box choices upon changing inputs

5 - Atom

Hi all,


I am trying to create an app and the issue I'm having is that the options presented to the user in the "Questions" when the app runs doesn't change based on the input data fields. When I tried using an input file different to the one used initially, the field names are not updated in the questions and still show that of the previous input file used


Is there a workaround for this issue?


Thanks and regards,

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @George63 


Can you share some details about the configuration?  The workflow and some sample data would be best, but some screen shots would do in a pinch



5 - Atom

Hi danilang,


So this is a section of the workflow. In the questions tab, the field names in the drop down list do not change when i change the input file to one with different fields. I would like this to be dynamic in the sense that all options/fields presented to the user in the Questions changed based on the data inputs





Hope this helps,


19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @George63 


The values in the displayed in the interface tools are determined before the workflow is actually run.  Since the user hasn't yet selected the input file, the new columns aren't available and Alteryx uses the existing set of columns.  To have this updated dynamically, create a chained app.  In the first app the user selects the input file.  Use the Field Info tool to write the names of the columns to a Alteryx database Columns.yxdb.  Write the field path to a second database, Path.yxdb.  In the second App, use the Columns.yxdb as the input for the Drop down and use an input tool that reads Path.yxdb and passes the path string to a Dynamic Input tool to read the file and continue processing



5 - Atom

Thanks a lot Dan that helps. Tryna watch tutorials on chained apps now
