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Pivot data for multi-row

8 - Asteroid



I'm trying to do drag down data into a row if a specific condition has been met. Since I have so many columns, I figured I have to pivot my data first and use the multi-row formula afterwards. I'm still somewhat confused since it looks as if I have to go back ~164 rows. My current data looks like this (file attached):




Where it says combo, I'd like to fill down actual data if it's available (everything up until 2019Q1) and forecast data if that's available (from 2019Q2). 


Attached is a picture of what I want it to look like with the results highlighted in red.




I've attached some sample data, but I'm confused by the sheer mass of rows and the conditions. So for example I can only take Mech forecast and actuals for Mech combo and only synch forecast and actuals for synch combo and so on.


Please let me know if anything is unclear.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hey @Peter4,

I have looked at the problem and built a workflow that may help with the situation. See the attached and see if it solves the problem as you would expect. 

8 - Asteroid

That's what I was looking for, thanks!
