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Move file from temp space to workflow directory to display in gallery conditionally

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow where I am writing to the temp space, and I have it set up to move files to the workflow directory locations if certain options are selected via a Run Command tool.


This was working in designer, and in theory, I believed this would allow the files that I'm moving to be shown in gallery since they would be present in the workflow directory folder.


However, this does not seem to be the case. When using it on gallery, the files that are being moved don't show up for download. It seems to be that Alteryx doesn't just check the folder and show available documents, and writing the output during the flow to those locations is required.


Does anyone know if there's some extra steps I'm not thinking of? Or a different location to move the files to other than straight into %Engine.WorkflowDirectory% that will cause them to be shown? Possibly a way to 'trick' Alteryx into thinking the files were written to a location that displays?

8 - Asteroid

I was able to get this done using the blob input/output method shown in the linked article! I'll leave the post up in case someone else is trying to do the same.


