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Input Data Tool - Text file

7 - Meteor

I had created a workflow that has many files that are bringing in data.  These files are brought in using Input Data Tool, Flat ASCII text.  Each file has its own fixed width text file setting, where you select the margins with the red bars.


Now the problem is, our team decided to change the file path names in which the text files reside.  If I try to go into the Input Data Tool and select the new file or edit the file path, I need to input the fixed with margins all over again.  One wrong step will break the workflow.  The files will have the same names and formats from day to day.  Does anyone know how to get around this as this would be entirely cumbersome with the amount of text files I am pulling in?


Thanks in advance

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

After you change your input folder, I think you can just hit the Cancel button, and all of your other data should remain unchanged.


But if not.... 


Make a backup copy of your workflow (YXMD file).  Make a note of the Tool Id for your Input Data Tool.


Open the YXMD file in a text editor.  I use Notepad++.


Replace the text <your old input folder> with <your new input folder>.  Just make sure you're changing the folder for the right Tool Id.


Save the YXMD file and open the workflow in Alteryx.



12 - Quasar

@tkong Make a copy of workflow and try using file directory tool to retrieve the files from location. It should be followed by dynamic input tool. 


Hope this helps 



7 - Meteor

So @ChrisTX you were absolutely right, clicking on cancel did the trick and I breathe a sigh of relief!  Thanks again!

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