Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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First Regex Expression

7 - Meteor

Hello Alteryx community,


I'm looking for some advice regarding how I can achieve a more powerful regular expression. I have one excel file with a column with next information:






What I´m trying to do is "tokenize it" for getting columns using next expression: (\u\d\d\d)


My problem is that the pattern AXXX can be found more than 3 times, so when I select the # of columns I'm not sure how many columns I should put on, because sometimes there's one single record with more than 20 patterns. 


Is there any way to indicate that regex expression select all patterns found (no matters how many are) without me trying to find out hoe many columns will be require?


Thank you

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hello, @EmilioB. Thanks for your question. I am moving your post to the Designer Discussions board for more visibility. 😉 

I also noticed that you are based in Mexico, so I would like to encourage you to check out our Spanish Community. 😉 


Flávia Brancato
12 - Quasar

in this situation you'd want to tokenize into rows, not columns. Adding a few record ids and then cross tab it back into a wide table. By parsing into rows you can account for any possible number of columns



7 - Meteor

neilgallen, I appreciate your help!


Thank you so much! That's exactly what I wanted to do.
