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Automated Scheduler Fails to Output Because of Tool, When There Really Isn't an Error

8 - Asteroid

Workflow generates an error when executed through the Automated Scheduler. Seems like the error is coming from the Run Command Tool.




There used to be a warning message being thrown by the bat file regarding AWS CLI, but I was able to address that already. Problem still persisted, despite that.


Here are the contents of the bat file:

cd program files\amazon\awscliv2
aws s3 ls s3:// [AWS Bucket] > [Destination Text File Path] --profile [Profile] --ca-bundle "C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\botocore\cacert.pem"


Here's a screenshot of the bat file, working perfectly


I only used pause to get a proper screenshot.


Here's a copy of the workflow, executing without a glitch, when run manually.



13 - Pulsar

Hi @RonGatmaitan 

I am understanding this correctly, the workflow runs correctly when you're executing from designer, but you get an error when running from the server? 

Based on the information you provided, it looks like the run command is accessing a file stored somewhere locally on your machine.

If that's the case, Alteryx server will not have access to the file and therefore the script will fail.


You could try to move the file that the script is trying to access to a shared network drive that Alteryx Server has access to in order to remediate. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @gautiergodard


Thanks for the reply. I get an error when I run from the scheduler. I connect to a remote PC and run from there. Both times, the Alteryx server has access to the files on its local.

13 - Pulsar



Do you know if your server is set up in safe or semi safe mode or if the admin has placed specific restrictions on using the run command tool (this is pretty common in larger organizations) Include Alteryx link for background Safe and Semi-safe Run Modes: Blocked Tools, Events, and Data Connectors | Alteryx Help


Alternatively, the below post looks like someone was having a similar problem and was able to resolve, including the link in the event this can help you!

Solved: Re: Run Command Working Directory Issues - Alteryx Community

8 - Asteroid

Hi @gautiergodard,


Let me check on these, as well. Thank you!
