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Alteryx Mail Tool in Smart Card environment

8 - Asteroid

My company has a smart card environment. I.e. instead of a username and password to logon on to our computers, there's a smart card and a PIN.These are unfortunately not credentials that can be used as SMTP authentication. 


Has anyone successfully used the mail tool (or any other SMTP tool) in a smart card enviro?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @271828 ,


Please could you raise this with Alteryx Support by sending an email to


I will be on the look out for it 



8 - Asteroid

Sure, no problem.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Organizations will usually have what is known as an SMTP Relay Server that is required in the email tool. 

Ask IT for the SMTP Relay Server address (maybe an IP address or a URL) as they don't usually publish this information to the general user base. Also, ask if authentication is required to use the SMTP server. You may need to be put on an authorized user list, or provide a specific username and password to use the services. 


Hope this helps.


