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Adding a title and today's date to an Excel output


Hi Everyone,


I've got a table that gets output to Excel but I need to add a "Header".  I can't use the Header tool.  I need the text to show in Cell A1 (not just show up in the Print Preview) and I need the table to move down a few lines to accommodate that.  I've been playing around with the Reporting Tools with no luck. I've tried the Report Text Tool selecting "Attach text to existing field" and position the text above the existing object but when I do that all I get is a new column and a [no valid field] in the configuration of the tool.


It needs to look like what I have attached.  






Create your header values/records and then union it to the existing data, but make sure ... 


1) the header stream is processed first in the union (output order config in the union)

2) make sure "Auto Config by position" is chosen as well.


You might also want to have column names on you (real) data, so you might need to play around with your data stream to do that.


If you can supply a XLS mockup of what your intended result is, I can show you more precisely how it works.


Thank you so much and sorry for the late reply! Your advise was perfect!!


@cmcclellan sorry to bother, your solution worked perfectly, but it happened to me that after adding a new input (the header), my output got the sheet order flipped. My Alteryx has a "Block until done" tool in the middle of the process, when I added the header, the resulting output got my sheet 1 in the end of the excel output file. I tried adding more "Block until done" tools and reverting the order of the outputs but without success. 



As you can see on the image, the "Detail" output sheet should be the last one, but no matter how I order the output or where I put the block tool, it ends up showing first.

Can you help me with this? 


It would be best to create a new post on this, it's not related to the first question and the first question has been answered :) 


I'm working on the same issue. After using the Union tool, the output shows my title appearing below the field names.  How do I get the field names to stay attached to the actual data set?


