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.xlsx as .zip files to access the .xml ---- the writing quagmire...

19 - Altair

o.k so short of a python/R workaround has anyone been able to write to the inner .xml files that make up an .xlsx file after reading in the .xml files as a .zip?

19 - Altair

@danilangany ideas on this one? I can see that a .zip file is fileformat 57 and when trying to write I get - Record #1: Tool #2: Zip format does not support writing and when I try to write to fileformat 37 (xml) I get:

  Record #1: Tool #2: DataWrap2XML does not support writing


this leaves me able to see the .xml inside the .xlsx file but not to make changes (like say resize a post-render absurdly large column) dynamically.



