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search for a string match in the whole column for each item from another column

5 - Atom


I have a workflow where I have DATA column containing document number and TEXT column with a string where this document number can be found as a part of a string. I need to check all the fields in column TEXT to check if in the string I can find document number from column DATA. 

I am not searching for line by line check but the whole TEXT column range for each cell in column DATA.

I would appreciate if anyone could help on that.

Best Regards

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @u1070365,

You need to use this formula:


FindString( [TEXT],[DATA])


You will get 0 if you got a match and -1 if not.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

in addition to @Emil_Kos 's solution - you can use a filter tool with a Contains function 

That would filter out all the rows that have this particular text in them.


e.g. contains([my field], 'Cat')

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