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removing commas from a data feild

8 - Asteroid

Hi there, 


I have a column that contains numbers however these numbers have commas and decimal places. 

the decimal places are positioned correctly however, 

the commas are positioned incorrectly so i would like to remove them from each number. 


Can you please advise on how i can do this. 



thank you,

16 - Nebula

Hi @Tim6 ,


Is the decimals separator a comma as well?


If it's a dot, then to remove all commas you have to check your data field type:


If it's a string, then you can use a formula tool to replace the commas with nothing. You can use the following function




If it's a number data type, then I am not sure if you can remove them (and I don't see the reason those commas might be positioned wrongly).


Please let me know which case you are trying to tackle and if the provided solution worked for you.




5 - Atom

I will use this a million times!  That you!
