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remove column in Table B based on Table A's column

7 - Meteor

Hi Team,


I have one question may need your help. I have a Table A with column A,B,C. and a Table B with column D,C,F. Is there a way I can automatically drop Table B's column which is existed in Table A? like in this case, should drop column C. 


I tried to use the join and then select "right" output, but it seems the join output will keep the join key inside which still keeps the C column.


How can I exclude those columns existing in Table A from Table B? Thank you so much. 

9 - Comet

hi @Carrot_WinWin i have attached the solution hope it helps

Screenshot 2024-04-22 115317.png

7 - Meteor

Hi, Thank you for your kind suggestion. Sorry I didn't make myself clear. My condition is the incoming table is dynamic, so the column name is changing everytime. is there a way i don't need to manually pick column everytime? that it can compare two tables and automatically select the excluding columns. 

14 - Magnetar

@Carrot_WinWin this should help, similar logic to @Manoj_k but with a dynamic select


let me know how you get on

7 - Meteor

Hi Carrot_Winwin,

I would like to suggest you to try Dynamic input tool for both your input where you can create the input query as per your need. I guess this could be achieved using simple input tool as well.



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