Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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matching issue




I got error for matching company to company by the workflow that I put on server run daily, there are many same company name not able to capture for matching suddenly. So I downloaded the workflow to pc and check and there is no issue I can find, however, the fuzzy match icon shows this error, can you let me know what is it mean? Could it affect matching name? 


Based on the error in the picture, it looks like the account being used to run the gallery flow doesnt have the sharepoint tool installed.

You need to ask whoever administers your gallery server to make sure that they have it installed for the default gallery user that runs the flow, or if you are specifying the credentials, that the user whos credentials are being used has the tools available on the server. 

Installing the plugings on your desktop designer doesnt transfer over to the server. they have to get installed for all users or at the least for the specific user used to run flows on the gallery.


sorry I attached wrong screenshot, here is the one, kindly check, thank you.


The designer error could be random or something caused by the tool. Usually a restart of designer and/or your computer resolves those issues.

The actual tool looks to have an error about not being able to find one of the fields to match on. 

That usually happens if the fields are being passed through macros or other tools where the output can change.

Try to reload designer and test the workflow again. if it works, save it back to gallery and see if the error persists. Thats about all I can suggest with out seeing more of the flow.
