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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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manually sort field

5 - Atom

I have a field that has multiple rows, I need to sort them in a specific order (not alphabetically) how can I do that?



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

No "Thank you"? 😂

Can you provide the sample data in text format and elaborate what will be specific order?

15 - Aurora

@ysalgado please provide sample data and required output.

5 - Atom

See attached I hope this explains what I am trying to do.  



5 - Atom

Hi Raj, can you see the attached file that shows what it currently looks like and what order I need it?  Any help you can give would be appreciated. 

12 - Quasar

Hi @ysalgado 


Here's my approach:


  • Connect your accounts in desired order to the 'F' input of a Find Replace tool
  • Connect your data that contains the amounts to the 'R' input of the same Find Replace tool
  • Configure the Find Replace tool to find the entire matched case-insensitive whole word, and then;
  • Select fields from the data to append to your list of custom sorted accounts.

The Find Replace tool actually appends!



14 - Magnetar

@ysalgado take a look at the select record tool, that might help if you want to manually select rows

12 - Quasar



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