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how to Extract String Value after final space

5 - Atom

Hi, I have a STRING text of stock class information. I want to extract all the text digits or string alike after the final space. How do I do this? The Solution that I'm seeking to replicate is in the column Final Class. 


1) I'm able to use the Formula tool: Right([Name],FindString([Name],' ')) and extract some of the data from the right but it's not after the final space. 

2) I used a data cleansing tool to remove leading and trailing whitespace

3) Run another Formula Tool: GetRight([EXTRACT_CLASS], " ")  but I still can't get results to look like the values in Final Class column. 


There might be a regex tool solution but I haven't figured it out as I'm a bigger to regex and parsing such complicated string text. 



Thank you!


12 - Quasar

Hi @latte - you can use this regular expression to parse the data: .*\s(.*)



5 - Atom

@Bren_Spill Thank you! your solution worked. Could you explain to me what the expression is doing? 

12 - Quasar

.*\s matches zero or more of any single character up until the whitespace. When the expression encounters the whitespace character, it backtracks to find the last occurrence of a space. 


The final .* returns the remainder of the string - this section must be placed in ( ) to create a marked group which will appear in the Output Columns section of the Regex tool

5 - Atom

Thank you!
