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find and replace for rows but not append in the end

7 - Meteor

use Find and replace  to get data from a different sheet to my existing sheet but only for some rows and keep the existing rows



I have a sheet wherein i have to add a few rows and update the columns for that rows only.

Using Find and Replace the data gets appended at the end of the sheet and if i use select tool for this to rearrange the newly added columns it will mess my existing data and overwrite it.


can someone suggest a way out.


Thanks in advance.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @bhanusareen ,


if I got your point, you want to add data from a sheet to data of specific rows of anther sheet.


I would use a Join tool or a Find and Replace tool to add data to all rows (if you use Find and Replace, select "Append Fields" so your original data will remain unchanged). Then use a Formula tool to modify values where neede, you can use a condition to select the rows you want to change column data.


What do you think?




