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command line capabilities alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Hi Friends,


i have developed an application where i use greenplum as back end, excel as my front end and alteryx to load the data to greenplum. i want to invoke the alteryx file from my excel UI screen but not sure how to do it. I request your help to solve this issue.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@aysha6029 Do you have a private Alteryx server setup? If you have a private server setup, I'd be glad to share the vba we have in place. We're doing exactly what you're describing where excel is the front end and Alteryx is the engine. It has massive potential at our organization.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

You should be able to create a macro in Excel with the following VBA code that will open up your Alteryx app (or any other Excel or non-Excel file):


ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="(Location of Alteryx File)", NewWindow:=True


... Though sounds like @patrick_digan probably knows more about what he's talking about. :) But in the most basic scenarios, the above VBA should work.



9 - Comet

@patrick_digan if @aysha6029 didn't have an Alteryx Server, do you think your solution would work where you only have Designer and buy that "Desktop Automation Add on", too? I've never tried it, but it the absence of a Server it might super cost effective.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@gc My solution use the Alteryx api that comes with the server. If the desktop automation add on has api capabilities as well, then it would work. I know very little about the desktop automation add on :)


@NicoleJohnson very cool! That may work in @aysha6029's case if the person running the excel file also has a Designer license. Personally, we used the server (specifically the api) to let anybody use an excel file as a front end and have Alteryx be the engine behind the scenes (even if the user running the excel file didn't have a license).

8 - Asteroid

@patrick_digan our project do have seperate server environment. and i do have alteryx desktop and server setup in my personal computer

8 - Asteroid

@NicoleJohnsonWow! that works. thank you.. 

8 - Asteroid

@patrick_digan kindly share your solution.. i want to automate the workflow.. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@aysha6029 It's not quite ready for public release, so I'll send you a PM with the file.

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