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XML parsing if child doesn't exist - automatically create columns

9 - Comet

Hey everyone


I'm working with xml invoices and the contents vary depending on supplier. Some suppliers include certain fields and some don't.  I need the fields if they are in there but then don't want to break the workflow if they don't.


I've got packaged my workflow with modified xml invoices  - one doesn't contain the fields i need to bring through and one does contain the fields.


To illustrate this I have added a pause until done tool where i don't need it to run if certain information is not included.


I think the way of dealing with this is to use a multi-field formula tool to create the field names if they don't exist but not sure of the exact usage. Some help would be much appreciated...


Once I've successfully parsed the XML invoice to gather all of the required info I am going to need some help with batch macros to process multiple XML invoices at once...but I will make a separate post about that!



9 - Comet

I should have used the search function - the key is the Ensure fields from the CReW macro - all good!

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @ck2024 


Mark your own answer as the solution.  It'll help the search engine float it to the top of the results so other people will be able to find it.


