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Writing spatial data to SQL Server ArcSDE connection.


I am attempting to overwrite a data table within an ArcSDE Geodatabase (Esri's Enterprise Geodatabase in SQL Server) using a workflow in Designer that reads data from a local excel spreadsheet, creates points in NAD27 using lat/long fields in the excel doc, transforms to WGS84, and then overwrites a spatial table within the SDE.  Everything seems to work up to the point of actually writing the data to the SQL Server.


I am attempting to do this using the SQL Server Bulk Loader format because I saw in another post on the Community that this was a viable option for interfacing with an Esri enterprise geodatabase.


The error that pops up every time is "Spatial Objects are not enabled for this Connection."  This seems odd since it is definitely an enterprise geodatabase and stores other spatial data.


Is there something I'm missing here on the SQL and/or Alteryx side of things that I need to enable to allow this type of interfacing?





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @GIS_Master_J 

I spoke with one of our spatial experts and they provided the following tips which may help you.


1. The table receiving the data in the eGDB needs to have been created in ArcGIS... ESRI does not like to work with tables created by Alteryx (this includes overwriting the table, using a delete and append works better)
2. The output from Alteryx needs to have a unique record ID and the field name needs to be identical to the table receiving the data (usually UID or FID)
3. Make sure the Spatial Object field has been named "SHAPE" which is usually what Arc automatically names the SpatialObj field.
4. Ensure that field names match exactly and use the Delete data and append as opposed to the overwrite option.
5. Double check the projection on the file in ARC and make sure the projection ESPG code in the output tool is exactly the same.
If you continue to have issues, please try using the ODBC and OLeDB connectors as these also work with Spatial Objects.
I hope this helps you out!
Community Moderator

Thanks @TrevorS


I went through everything you mentioned and made some adjustments to the workflow:


1. The OG table was made by exporting data directly from ArcMap to the eGDB. (No adjustment made)

2. I used the 'Record ID' tool to create a new UID callled 'OBJECTID' as that is what the UID field is in the eGDB table.

3. I renamed the spatial object field to 'SHAPE' to match the ESRI schema

4. I checked the field names and used a series of 'Dynamic Rename Tools' to ensure that they match the eGDB table.

5. I use the 'Spatial Info' tool to convert the original NAD27 lat/longs to WGS84.  I check this is the 'Browse' tool against a base map to see if everything looks correct and it does.  The eGDB uses WGS84 also.  I'm not sure where to see the ESPG code in the 'Output Data' tool.


Still getting the 'Spatial Objects are not enabled for this connection' message.


I'm relatively certain that my spatial reference systems match.  I can verify this by seeing that my eGDB uses WGS84 and the centroid spatial object in Designer gets created in the right place when converting to WGS84 (I can tell because I can see the physical object on the base map and the points created using the centroid object line up).


Could this be related to using a trial version of Designer?  Is maybe the full capability not in the trial version?


Hi @TrevorS


I went through your recommendations and made a few changes to my workflow.


1. The table receiving the data was created in ArcMap and exported to the eGDB, so I didn't make any changes on this point.

2. The UID field in the eGDB uses "OBJECTID" as is standard in Esri geodatabases.  In order to make this match I used the 'Record ID' tool to create a new field named 'OBJECTID' and populated it as integers in series.

3. I renamed my geometry object "SHAPE" to mimic the eGDB schema using the 'Dynamic Rename' tool.

4. I used a series of additional 'Dynamic Rename' tools to ensure that field names match in both the input data and the eGDB table I'm trying toto write to. Additionaly, I am now using the "Delete and append" option.

5. I'm relatively certain that the data I'm attempting to write and the eGDB table are both using WGS84.  I verified this through the 'Browse' map view and the 'Spatial Info' tool.  That said, I am not sure how to check the ESPG code within the 'Output Data' tool.


I am still getting the same message 'Spatial Objects are not enabled for this connection'.


Is it possible that this just isn't available in the trial edition of Designer?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


Your trial license shouldn't be affecting the ability.

I would recommend you try another connector. its been recommended you try SQL Server, or ODBC and OLeDB as these have worked with Spatial Objects.

Community Moderator
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


Make sure you are using the correct driver version! If you can, please provide us the current driver version for your SQL Bulk Loader connection (ODBC Data Source Administrator)

Community Moderator