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Workflow to perform a subtraction between two columns with a bit of twist.

9 - Comet

Hello experts,


I need your help creating a workflow. I’m trying to perform a subtraction function between two columns. I have attached a sample excel spreadsheet with demo numbers with the expected result in column “E” SY2.  


  1. It’s basically the difference between two columns. However, if it’s a balance sheet type of accounts (series 1-3), we only pick up the ending balance from column D (no difference needs to be calculated).


  1. If it’s an income statement accounts (series 4-8), we take the difference between column D-C.


Hope you can help. This forum never let me down. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I hope this would help.
I also assign null to those entries that dont fit any of your cretias, just in case.



9 - Comet

Thank you, Qiu. Let me give it a try. Will reach out if I have any more questions.


Thanks for your quick reply, and Merry Christmas. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Happy holiday to you also
