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Workflow Sequencing/Hierarchy

7 - Meteor

Hello All,


I had a question about WF sequencing.  I successfully tested the "Block Until Done" feature to act as an append like function into an Alteryx dB since apparently you can't append directly to one.


However, a teammate of mine has a WF that she runs, gains an output, and the output is the starting point to another WF.  She's controlled this previously by using containers (open/close) and then hitting 'Run' each time.  


I took my test WF and created some random additional WFs and they ran in order.  I moved the WFs around in the canvas and still worked.  Does Alteryx not read left to right or top to bottom when starting?


The initial WF is/was the one w/ the "Block Until Done" tool.  I added/moved the "Rate Source" add WF to upper right during testing to simulate my teammates 2nd step in process using the initial WF output as the next step in the process.


Thanks for your insights.



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @MNewt9,


Without being it used as a reference and taking into account that there are many variables behind to think about, you could say that the rule would be the order of input of the tools.


Each tool has a number assigned when you drag them into the canvas.This order may be respected (99% times is not like this) but as I said, do not depend on this logic, a better solution would be to consider using chained apps, you can take a look at them on this link:


Again, as I said, this does not have to be respected by the workflow, try to use a different logic.



12 - Quasar

Hi @MNewt9 ,


Once you start building workflows and want to run them in sequence, I would strongly consider downloading & installing the free (reliable) Crew Macros (Chaos Reigns Within). In particular, they have workflow sequencing tools, such as the runner, list runner, conditional runner & parsers. Below is an example of how I used a list runner after feeding the list runner with a list of workflows that I wanted to run and in what order:


Screenshot 2021-03-11 165121.png


For simpler workflows, the Runner can immediately execute a workflow and the Conditional Runner can then be executed if the previous one has succeeded. I also really like the Log Parsers, which allow you to see exactly what happened in each workflow.


Hopefully, that helps - let me know if you have further questions.



