Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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What Snowflake ODBC Driver should I have in order to use bulk load

5 - Atom

I currently have Snowflake Driver and I don't see the option to select Advanced Options where typically I should be able to select Retrieve Entire Results Into Memory.  Based on the current help article ( it states that the Snowflake Driver is only supported for the Snowflake driver 2.20.1.


To top it off, Snowflake Driver 2.20.1 is no longer available to download. I would appreciate any help in resolving this confusion. Thank you

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



The bulk load should work with your driver version as well. The Supported driver suggests that this was the version the feature was tested with. 


When configuring your Output, choose the bulk option




Data Source name should pick up your available Snowflake DSN. If you're on Alteryx v2020.3, you will be able to use the Local staging as well to perform the bulk load






5 - Atom

Thank you for the reply. That is how I setup my bulk loader and it is working.


As for my ODBC Driver for reads from Snowflake I ended up installing the 2.22 latest Snowflake ODBC Driver and then I configured my Driver configuration to use a tracing level of 1 and specified the schema as well this time. That seemed to do the trick. 
