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Vlookup" or Joining Data from different file paths and filtering the results into differen

7 - Meteor

Description of Process

Duplicate the excel function "vlookup" or the alteryx equivalent to map data from one data set  into 3 existing data sets using a primary key.


Description of Input

Input 1

Link Data Input 4 to Input 1 - saved in File Path:1

Input 2

Link Data Input 4 to Input 2 - saved in File Path:1

Input 3

Link Data Input 4 to Input 3 - saved in File Path: 2

Input 4

Link Data from Column 2  to Input 1,2,3 - saved in File Path: 3



Description of Output (DESIRED OUTPUT)


After linking the data with a primary key, I want to create a 3 Filters, Separating the data from Input 4, Column 2 into three separate workflows.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Leanna12 , In Alteryx, joins are used to relate data with a common field, like the PRIMARY KEY in your case:


This should give you a good start, I'm not sure what the aim of your filtering step is but if you can clarify it I can help with that as well.
